Monday, November 12, 2018

#MenageMonday - 2x07 - "Full Circle"

Hey - two weeks in a row! Imagine that.

Here's my entry for #MenageMonday and I even made the time-cut off this time. *Score*

The Phrase: “it’s almost over”

The Judge’s Prompt: “then let me die”

The other entries an be found HERE.
My entry is below:

Full Circle

Zayne hoisted himself up the bizarre, barren landscape to a small ledge. In all his travels, he had never seen such a place before. He set down his pack and stretched.

Darius fidgeted in the pack, the stubs of his legs poking at the fabric as he adjusted his position to look upward at the trees protecting the summit.

“Careful, Dar, you don’t want to fall off,” Zayne warned, tugging on the loops of the pack to keep his friend from tumbling over the edge.

“It’s almost over,” Darius muttered, before shaking his head to himself.


Darius nodded. Zayne slipped the pack over his shoulders again for the final leg of the expedition.

A few hours elapsed as Zayne used ever bit of knowledge in rock climbing that he had to keep him and Darius from tumbling down to the gorges below. Finally, they reached the summit, a square of land with three trees that had seen better days.

Zayne set the pack down and Darius quickly scrambled out, using his arms to propel him across the scrab grass.

“Now what?”

“Leave me.”

“What? I can’t leave you up here. You’ll starve to death.”

“Then let me die.” Before Zayne could speak up, Darius continued. “This is what I want, Zayne. This is where it happened, where I lost everything. ‘Tis only fitting that this is where I die, where I should have originally. It was a mistake I survived.”

241 Words

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