Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Americans far and wide celebrate Memorial Day today, remembering those whose sacrifice allow us the freedoms we enjoy every moment of our lives. Regardless of who is President, our country is protected by the brave men and women who put our safety and security above their own. Today, no prompt will be posted in memory of those who allowed us to write and create without fear.

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Thank you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

#SixSentenceSunday - Week 7

Today is also another #SixSentenceSunday which means another snippet of my WIP, Guardians. Check out the website for more information and to check out hundreds of other authors who participate in #SixSentenceSunday.

Alana was more interested what was in the back corner shelves where people didn’t often look, where the mystic, arcane, and darker subjects gathered.

As much as she tried, she couldn’t imagine her sweet old grandmother with her nose buried in those types of books. Perhaps there was more to Evelyn than Alana ever realized. The idea shook Alana more than she cared to admit. Evelyn was the one person in her family she thought she knew the most. If there was a part of Evelyn that Alana didn’t know, that opened so many doors to what else Alana didn’t know about her, and by extension, Robert.

Thanks for reading! What will your six sentences say?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

#SixSentenceSunday - Week 6

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is also another #SixSentenceSunday which means another snippet of my WIP, Guardians. Check out the website for more information and to check out hundreds of other authors who participate in #SixSentenceSunday.

Alana wasn’t sure exactly what the purpose was in boxing these particular books up unless Evelyn decided she didn’t want them before she died. When Alana gave a cursory glance over the titles, they were definitely not the same genre of books that graced the shelves in the living room. These were more esoteric and supernatural in nature, dealing with subjects like the power of good and evil inherent in people, the soul, and the afterlife among others.

These were books that Alana never remembered Evelyn ever talking about or reading. She wasn’t around much after college so perhaps it was a subject her grandmother picked up during that time, but it still seemed so strange. Deciding to hold onto those books for awhile until she could go through them more thoroughly, she pushed them to the side. 

Thanks for reading!  What will your six sentences say?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

#SixSentenceSunday - Week 5

Ever so slowly, I'm getting back into the swing of things. I've done a few runs of flash fiction to get my head back in the game, which has been helping. My schedule changes next week so hopefully that means more time for writing! :) If this is your first visit to my site, please check out Six Sentence Sunday for more information.

Here's another six sentences of Guardians, my current WIP.

Alana looked up and flashes of the images returned. Blood was everywhere, and evil spirits swirled around a car that was smashed beyond recognition. A baby cried, piercing the sudden quiet.

She gasped and squeezed her eyes shut as tight as she could. When she re-opened them, everything was back to normal. No blood, no smashed car, no spirits. 

Thanks for reading! What will your six sentences say?