Thursday, May 23, 2024

Week 611 of #ThursThreads - The Mourningstar Part ??

Last week's entry to #ThursThreads wasn't one of my best. It was rushed and felt like it. I had a busy day at the day job on Thursday then immediately travelling after I was done. Trying to type out a story on my phone wasn't the easiest, and I ended up trying to crank out an entry with only minutes to spare before the cut-off time. Not sure if I will scrap the whole thing or just try to redo it once I have this all complied into one cohesive thing. Thus far, I've bene enjoying just doing the bits every week as the story somewhat comes together in my head. I'm enjoying the angsty bit that my main character is in right now so I may just make him suffer a bit longer. Angst certainly makes the HEA's better - if there is even going to be a HEA. Heh.

Anyway, for those who have been following along can check out all of today's entries can be found on Siobhan's blog here. There is also information on that page about entering #ThursThreads yourself. The more the merrier with these flash fiction prompts. If you want to see my earlier entries into #ThursThreads and specifically this story, look for the #Mourningstar label.

Without further ado, here's my entry for Week 611 of #ThursThreads.

The prompt is: “You need to pay the reward.”


‘I have information regarding your wife’s accident.’

He stared at the text that came from an unknown number. What information? The police reports were already out that clearly described the nature of the accident and how it happened, resulting in her death. Fury coursed through his body at this paltry attempt at baiting him. He barely controlled his eyes from flashing.

His fingers hovered over the face of his cell phone as he deliberated in responding. Ultimately, he couldn’t let it go and quickly typed out a response. ‘Who is this? What kind of sick joke are you trying to pull?’ ‘All good things must come to an end.’

What was that supposed to mean? The only good thing he ever had in his long, lonely life was his wife (and her child). His simmering fury bloomed into rage. Was her death truly not an accident after all? He had finally started coming to terms with her death and to discover that it may not have been an accident after all. Why?

Was she killed because of her association with him? It wouldn’t have been the first time she was targeted since they met years ago. Was his stepdaughter now in danger? Ice filled his veins as he looked around the apartment for her. She was just here.

The anonymous person responded again before he could formulate a reply. ‘You need to pay the reward.’

He gripped his phone so tight the glass began creaking. ‘How much and where?’


The #Mourningstar drabbles are based on the Lucifer TV show. While my story is original and divergent from canon, I am playing in another creator's sandbox. 

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